Friday, February 26, 2010

Mama's Little Helper!

It has been so long since I have added a post, but believe it or not these boys keep me pretty busy. I have decided to do three posts this weekend, one for each of the boys. I will start with Colton. Late Sunday night and early Monday morning, Danny and I took turns pacing the floor with Colton because he would just not go to sleep. He was grumpy and mad, we couldn't do anything to get him to settle down. Around 6:00 (the time we all start our day) he finally fell asleep. He woke up a few hours later with his first tooth!!! It is on the bottom and just pokes through a little bit, and he won't let anyone near his mouth to feel it. Every time I go to feel his mouth he sticks out his tongue. Despite having only one tooth, he eats everything. His favorites are chicken nuggets, crackers, bananas, and minute rice. He eats a better variety of food than Hayden and Ace combined! Colton has started to talk a little bit. Right now he can only say gaga, which I hope doesn't mean he has an infatuation with Lady Gaga because she freaks me out!!! He is very close to saying Dadda and Mama, so Danny and I have a bet going on to see which one he says first. I know Dadda is easier than Mama to say, but I am keeping my fingers crossed that Mama wins out. If I win Danny has to fold and put away clothes for two weeks ( this is my most hated household chore). If Danny wins then I have to scoop up dog poop for two weeks. C'mon Colton, make Mama proud! Colton has also become very mobile, not only can he crawl very fast on flat surfaces and even upstairs, but he can walk with the help of furniture or the wall. Because of his mobility, he has become quite the helper. While I am putting clothes in the washer, he pulls them out again. I fold the kitchen towels and put them away, he crawls over and one by one puts them on the floor. I load the dishwasher and again he pulls the dirty dishes out and puts them on the floor. Now even though he undoes a lot of the hard work I do, he is still such a lovable kid. He has learned how to give kisses by placing his wide open slobery mouth on your cheeck. He will also laugh and smile at anyone who gives him even the slightest bit of attention. Living in Albuquerque, having three blue eyed blond haired boys with me everywhere I go, gets me a lot of attention. Everywhere we go I have people stop and comment on the boys, we are definatley the minority here. I love Colton so much, I can't believe he turns 1 next month. Everytime I look at him I remember those emotional days and nights spent in the NICU and I thank the Lord that my boy is absolutley perfect. Keep looking at our blog for updates the other two boys.


  1. I can't believe he'll be one next month, that's crazy! I also can't believe he is just barely getting his first tooth. Hopefully he'll be better when he gets the rest of them, that sounds like it was a long night!

  2. Lady Gaga has some pretty good songs, so maybe he just has good hip taste! I also cant believe he is going to be one! I am glad you updated because I miss seeing my nephews and the blog will have to do til we can all get together again!

  3. I can't believe how big he is!!
