I can't believe my little Colton is two months old!!! I took him to the doctor yesterday and he weighs 10 pounds 6 ounces and is 24 inches long. Ten pounds might not seem like much, but considering we brought him home from the hospital at just over 6 pounds, he has really chunked up. He has been totally off his seizure medicine for a couple weeks now, and is doing really well. The medicine made him really groggy, so it's nice to have him so alert. Here are a few things that babies are supposed to do at two months, and we are happy to say Colton can do all of them: hold his head up, follow you with his eyes, recognize when mom or dad is in the room, and move his head to find a sound he hears. He has also started to do that cute little baby coo, I love it!!! He still has so much hair, usually babies loose some of their hair the first month or so. Colton has so much hair that it has formed what we call a mullet in the back, and he loves having his hair brushed!